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City Council Meeting 06/26/2003
June 26, 2003
Work Session MEETING

Roll Call - Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli present.  

City Staff Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Corporation Counsel Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel, City Clerk Debra McCormick; Jerry Delfavero, Superintendent of Public Works,  Steve Lynch Director of Development.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations – Clerk read.

Public Announcements – None.

First Reading - Ordinances
The City Clerk read a first reading of Ordinance #12 of 2003 increasing the amount for the Genesee Street Reconstruction.

Work Session

Neighborhood Housing Commission Presentation –

Mayor Carnicelli welcomes members of the commission.  She introduces Jim Galvin, Program Manager.  Mr. Galvin gives an overview and introduces Arlene Ryan, citizen volunteer Chairperson of the Neighborhood Housing Commission.  Ms. Ryan made recommendations to council that included suggestions such as increasing police presence, cleaning up with city assistance, initiating a neighborhood watch program, curb and sidewalk installation, tree planting and incentives.  

Mayor Carnicelli thanked Ms. Ryan and asked the City Manager to find a way to implement the suggestions made by the commission.

Presentation on Neighborhood Plan – Dunn and McCarthy Site

Mayor Carnicelli introduces Sue Dwyer, representing Congressman Boehlert’s Office.

Mayor Carnicelli introduces Steve Lynch, Director of Development.  Mr. Lynch speaks briefly and introduces the Planning Team which consisted of City Planning Staff, Synthesis representatives, James Kent, of Kent Environmental Planning and Design, Neighborhood Members (residence and business owners).

The team, using power point and handouts presented recommendations for improvements to the area designated as the Dunn and McCarthy Neighborhood Plan.

Susan Cartner of 2 Mundt Ave. and Lou Davis of 29 Barber St. spoke as residents of the neighborhood in support of the plan.

Steve Lynch thanks all that were involved in the process of developing the plan.

Mayor Carnicelli thanks everyone and asks the City Manager to create a steering committee that could move the project along.  She asked that the steering committee and the following issues be address by the next work session.  
§       Address flood plane issues
§       Increase Police presence
§       Address Code enforcement issues

John Rogoski, State St. spoke about the prison area and volunteered to work with the steering committee.  He commended Planning Department staff on the work done.

Gordon Dungy, 109 North Street, and owner of Auburn Leather Crafters at 42 Washington St. stated that simple things should be addressed and the plan seemed like a pipe dream.

Dave Mason, 4116 Wycoff Rd. and owner of West Garden St. property owner spoke in opposition of the plan.

John Allen, 19 First Ave and property owner in the area, volunteered to be on the steering committee.  Arlene Ryan suggested the committee consider a neighborhood watch program.

Councilor Hunter commented.

Other Business
Ordinance # 10 of 2003 authorizing amendment to Municipal Code Chapter 135 Entitled “Cemeteries”.    Councilor Dempsey commented on the language in the ordinance.  He stated it took powers away from Council and the Manager and gave too much to the commission.  Mayor Carnicelli agreed.  Consensus was that the some of the text be changed back to reflect that responsibilities of decisions should be given to Council and Manager.  All agreed and the Ordinance was tabled for two weeks.

Councilor Jacobs commented on the total amount of taxes that are unpaid in the City of Auburn.  He asked that the Manager focus on collection efforts.

Councilor McNabb commented on the recent news that the County is going charge $10. to enter Emerson Park for the Fourth of July fireworks.  Council discussed and agreed that a letter from Council would be sent to the county in protest of the fee.

Public to be Heard
Sam Trinca, Oak St. – spoke to council about the plan that was presented.

Dave Mason, 4116 Wycoff Rd. spoke as a county taxpayer on his opinion of the fees.

John Hogan 13 Dexter Ave. – spoke about Adelphia and the franchise agreement renewal with the city.  He asked that the city decline the franchise.

Council moved into Executive Session at 8:10PM and ending at 8:30PM.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM.